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Re-Entry into the Workforce

Supporting the road to recovery through proven career development.


At PA Women Work, we recognize that some job-seekers face additional challenges with getting back on their feet, finding employment and achieving stability. Our ReWork program supports individuals as they transition back into the workforce following incarceration or recovery from substance use disorder.

Through one-on-one coaching, group discussions and training sessions, and opportunities to build connections, ReWork offers a trauma-informed approach to support each participant holistically and individually. With important connections and partnerships with organizations such as POWER, Sojourner House, Passages to Recovery and Teetotal Initiative, our one-on-one coaching and wraparound supportive services help ensure financial stability that is core to successful long-term success.

Connect with our program manager

Hilda Valdespino
ReWork Program Manager

Success stories

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Through one-on-one coaching and group workshops, PA Women Work provides critical career development support to professionals.